US RoboCup Regional Committee

What is RoboCup?

The Robot World Cup Initiative (RoboCup) was created as a vehicle to promote robotics and AI research, by offering a publicly appealing, but formidable challenge. One of the effective ways to promote science and engineering research is to set a challenging long term goal. When the accomplishment of such a goal has significant social impact, it is called a grand challenge project. Building a robot that plays soccer will not by itself generate significant social and economic impact, but the accomplishment will certainly be considered a major achievement for the field. We call this kind of project a landmark project. RoboCup is a landmark project as well as a standard problem.

RoboCup offers the possibility to confront and exchange ideas in a common domain and encourages researchers interested in common problems to establish and keep contact with one another.

- RoboCup Regional Committees web page

- General information about Regional Committees

What is the aim of the RoboCup US Regional Committee?

The RoboCup US Regional Committee has the aim to promote the RoboCup initiative in the US through organizing local events and putting in contact groups of research in the US that share an interest in RoboCup. Please send an e-mail to if:

- you want to know more about the initiative;

- you are participating or intend to participate in RoboCup (we would like to have links of all the groups in the US who want to participate in RoboCup).

The US RoboCup Regional Committee

(members of the Trustees of the International RoboCup Federation)

Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University

Peter Stone, The University of Texas at Austin

Amy Eguchi, University of California, San Diego

Ubbo Visser, Uniersity of Miami

Tucker Balch, Georgia Institute of Technology

Joydeep Biswas, The University of Texas at Austin

Raymond Sheh, Georgetown University

People involved with RoboCup in the US

There are now many US RoboCup researchers. Please see the RoboCup main website for information on current teams.

For information about RoboCupJunior US, please visit: .